Hebron High School's AP Policy

Student who receive a final exam exemption for the course due to registration for the corresponding AP Exam will not receive any refund if they request to cancel the AP Exam.

Students must report to their assigned exam room 1/2 hour prior to posted exam start times.  8:00 AM exams have a 7:30 AM report time, and 12:00 PM exams have an 11:30 AM report time.  Please bring #2 pencils and blue/black ink pens.

No electronic devices are allowed in the testing room.  ALL cell phone and smart watches must be turned completely OFF and placed in your backpack at the front of the room prior to testing.  Failure to follow this policy may result in your test being invalidated as well as put in danger the test validity of an entire room.

Nearly all AP Exams are in the online format starting this school year. (exceptions offered at Hebron include Spanish Language and Culture and French Language and Culture). Technology requirements for digital exams will be communicated from your AP teacher & Mrs. Bryson in the Spring. You can also find more information on the College Board website.

If you are taking an exam in which a calculator is allowed, your calculator will be checked to ensure it is an approved calculator.  There is limited availability of calculators to borrow during the exam.

There will be spare pens and pencils available in the exam room and one scheduled restroom break.

No food or drink is allowed at your testing seat.

You will be assigned a seat at check in.  

Failure to follow any rules either printed within the registration documents, the AP student manual, or during the test itself will result in a canceled nonrefundable exam and may include disciplinary consequences as well.

Once again, please be sure your email and cell number are accurate in the registration system, and check your emails on a regular basis, for communication from this website.

If you have specific questions, please email Mrs. Emily Bryson at brysone@lisd.net or Mrs. Mary Beth Coen at coenm@lisd.net


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