Here are some important exam day policies to keep in mind when you’re getting ready to take your AP Exam.
Arrive 30 minutes prior to each exam. 7:30 a.m. for morning exams and 11:30 a.m. for afternoon exams.
What to Bring to the Exam Room
You want to be prepared with items such as No. 2 pencils for your multiple-choice answer sheet, pens with black or dark blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams, and your government-issued or school-issued photo I.D.
To know what calculators are approved for use on designated parts of specific exams, click on the exam: AP Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Physics B or Statistics.
What Not to Bring to the Exam Room
You don’t want to bring any electronic equipment or communication devices, like cell phones, smart phones, tablets or anything else that can access the Internet, any cameras or other photographic equipment, or even any watches that beep or have an alarm. You may not have any food or drink in the exam room, including bottled water. A complete listing of “What to Bring to the Exam Room” and “What NOT to Bring to the Exam Room” can be found in the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents.
Detailed policies and information regarding AP Exams in general can be found on the CollegeBoard website or by clicking here.