Henry Clay High School's AP Policy

AP Instructions


Students MUST take exams on the scheduled days as designated by College Board.  Locations will be established after registration is completed and will be distributed to students.  Once established, those will be the only dates, times, and locations available for students*.  Alternate or make-up exams will be given only under circumstances approved by the College Board and may incur an additional charge. See Ms. Catherine Stephens in room 108A at Henry Clay regarding alternate or make-up exams.

Morning exams begin promptly at 8:00 am.  Students should arrive for morning exams no later than 7:40 am.

Afternoon exams will begin promptly at 12:00 noon.  Students should arrive for afternoon exams no later than 11:40 am.


Depending on the number of students taking a particular exam, an exam might be given off campus.  Transportation to and from the exams tested off campus will be the student's responsibility.

Helpful Hints

Students should dress in layers because the temperature in the rooms is unpredictable.

Students will only be allowed to have food and/or drinks on breaks.  Snacks will not be provided.

Cell phones should not be brought into the testing rooms if at all possible.  If they are brought in, students will need to make sure they are completely off and will not make noise (including vibration) and must turn in their phones prior to the exam starting.  Any noise coming from an electronic device will cause the student's test to be confiscated and score cancelled.

Students should bring #2 pencils, blue or black pens, and calculators if allowed.

Other Information

More information about AP testing and specifics about each test can be reviewed at www.collegeboard.org


*If a student is officially approved by College Board for accommodations that require alternative test administration conditions, he/she will be contacted regarding the location and conditions of the administration.  


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