Lowell High School's AP Policy

Please be aware of the AP exam policies and rules set forth by this school and the College Board:

  • No students will be allowed admittance to exam rooms once exam has started.
  • During scheduled or unscheduled breaks during exams, students are not allowed to consult textbooks, notes, or ask questions to teachers or other students. Do not use electronic or communication devices during breaks.
  • Do not leave the testing area during the exam.
  • In the event of fire alarm, it is your responsibility to stay with the proctor(s) and do not discuss the exam with others during the fire alarm.


    • A physical photo I.D. (School-issued photo I.D. for school year 2024-25, valid driver's license, valid passport) - no electronic documents allowed
    • FOR ALL AP EXAMS OTHER THAN Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Spanish Language, Spanish Literature, Music Theory - All students are REQUIRED to bring a device that has College Board’s Bluebook app installed.
    • Calculators - If you are allowed to use a calculator on your AP Exam, review the College Board’s calculator policies to make sure you bring an acceptable calculator for your particular exam.
    • AP ID barcode sheets (will be distributed the week before AP exams to Lowell students, and will be at the exam room of your first exam with us for non-Lowell students)


    • Non-Bluebook electronic equipment or communication devices, like cell phones, smartphones, smartwatches or anything else that can access the internet
    • Cameras or other photographic equipment
    • Watches that beep or have an alarm (or smart watches)
    • No food or drink in the exam room, including bottled water (water and snacks will be provided during the break)
    • Writing utensils (pencils and pens) will be provided, so do not bring any
    • Scratch paper (will be provided)

You can view the College Board’s complete policy at https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines.

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