Corona High School's AP Policy


You are registered to take one or more AP exams this year. It is important to be aware of the following policies.


I agree to each of the following requirements of the AP testing procedures:

 I will not bring cell phones, headphones, PDAs and any other electronic storage/media device into the testing area. I will leave them in my car, locker, or at home.

 I will not bring a backpack into the testing area.

 I will not bring course materials into the testing area.

 I will not bring unapproved aids into the testing area. Aids include: books, compasses, protractors (unless taking the AP Physics exam), mechanical pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, rulers, scratch paper, or clothing with subject-related information.

 I will bring the six-digit school code, my AP student pack, and my ID card to all exams.

 I will bring at least two #2 pencils.

 I will bring at least 2 pens with black or dark blue ink.

 I will bring an approved and appropriate calculator for an exam if required.

 I may bring a watch that does not beep or have an alarm.

 I may bring a snack for the break between sections.

 I will share AP information and procedures with my parents/guardians.

 I will not discuss the multiple choice questions, EVER.

 I will not discuss the free response questions for the first 48 hours after the exam.

 I will keep a copy of this agreement in my personal files.

 I understand that all morning exams begin at 8:00 AM and all afternoon exams begin at 12:00 PM.

 I understand that afternoon exams will end after the regular school day. I will make the appropriate arrangements for transportation after the exam.

 I will arrive 30 minutes early to my exams to sign in at the registration table as I enter the room.

 I understand that there are no refunds if I miss any or all of my exams.


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