Thank you for registering to take one or more AP exams in May 2025. We wish all students much success in this endeavor!
[Please note that all of the blue links in this document can also be found on the Del Oro Advanced Placement Webpage.
Students and parents should review the Del Oro 2025 AP Exam Schedule early to make sure there are no athletics-related or other scheduling conflicts with the dates/times of any AP exams being taken in May. Please report any issues immediately to Mr. White or Ms. Guerra in the Del Oro counseling office.
On the day prior to any scheduled AP exam, be sure to re-check the Del Oro 2025 AP Exam Schedule for any start time or location changes/updates.
AP-related information and updates specific to Del Oro can be accessed at any time on the Del Oro Advanced Placement Webpage (located under Academics on our school website).
Important additional AP information can be found at College Board Exam Policies and Guidelines for AP Students.
Below are important Del Oro Advanced Placement policies and reminders that are essential for all students and parents/guardians to review carefully:
NEW: AP Testing Location, Digital Exam Format & Test Day Arrival Time!
For the first time, all May 2025 AP exams will be administered on the Del Oro High School campus. (Del Oro AP testing will no longer take place at Saints Peter & Paul Church in Rocklin.)
Starting in May 2025, standard paper testing will be discontinued for all Del Oro AP exams. Exams will move to the Bluebook digital testing application that students will access from their district-issued Chromebooks. The new digital AP exams cannot be taken from home; all students taking AP exams will be required to arrive at the assigned testing location on the Del Oro campus 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the exam as exam administration will begin promptly. Once testing commences, students who arrive late will not be admitted as per the College Board policy.
For math and science exams that require graphing or symbolic notation (AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics 1, and AP Physics 2 at Del Oro), students will view free-response questions and prompts in the Bluebook application and write their answers in paper exam booklets. For all other Del Oro AP exams, students will view all questions and record all responses in the Bluebook application.
AP students will have ample opportunities to familiarize themselves with digital AP Exams, including test previews in the Bluebook app, AP Classroom practice assessments that closely mimic the look and feel of Bluebook exams, video tours of Bluebook features and tools, and more. 
Testing Accommodation Requests
It is the responsibility of students with documented disabilities and their parents to submit an application for any needed testing accommodations through the College Board. Such accommodations are not automatic. The College Board deadline for requesting accommodations and submitting the required paperwork is January 24, 2025. Be sure to read about AP Testing Accommodations then make contact with Ms. Guerra in the Del Oro counseling office immediately if requesting any accommodations. Please note that the College Board determines if any testing accommodations are granted, and there is no guarantee that they will approve a request.
AP Exam Cost / Fee Reduction Eligibility
Unless a student qualifies for reduced-fee testing, the cost of each AP exam this year is $115. Students of families who meet the household income guidelines for participation in the federal Free & Reduced Lunch Program are eligible for a fee reduction that brings the cost of each AP exam down to $35.
Even though all PUHSD students, regardless of family income level, receive free breakfast and lunch meals as a result of the universal feeding program this year, families that meet federal income criteria but are not currently designated as Free & Reduced Lunch at Del Oro must submit an online application to qualify for the reduced-fee AP exam pricing.
Please note that this testing fee reduction is not automatic and must be requested in the appropriate section when paying online for an AP exam. Students who qualify must wait to receive confirmation of eligibility for the reduced-fee AP exams before proceeding with final submission of payments online. Any student who qualifies for reduced-fee AP exams after submitting a full-priced payment should see Mr. White or Ms. Guerra in the Del Oro counseling office right away.
Important Dates & Deadlines
FOR FALL AP CLASSES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: $105 is the maximum refund available once any AP exam is paid for
No refunds issued for cancellations of any $35 reduced-fee AP exams
Oct 21 - 25, 2024 - Students verify with FALL AP teachers that they appear on the correct exam rosters to ensure that fees have been paid so an accurate AP exam order is placed
Nov 1, 2024 - Regular registration/payment deadline for FALL AP class exams
A FALL AP class exam registration/payment made after this date will incur a $20 per exam non-refundable late fee
A FALL AP class exam registration/payment made after this date will incur a $50 per exam non-refundable late fee
Last day to request a $105 per exam partial refund for any FALL AP class exams ordered
No refunds for FALL AP class exams will be issued after this date!
FOR SPRING AP CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jan 24, 2025 - Last day to apply for College Board AP testing accommodations for fall and spring AP classes
Feb 3, 2025 - Online AP Exam Payment Portal OPENS for SPRING AP class exams
Note: $105 is the maximum refund available once any AP exam is paid for
No refunds issued for cancellations of any $35 reduced-fee AP exams
Feb 18 - 21, 2025 - Students verify with SPRING AP teachers that they appear on the correct exam rosters to ensure that fees have been paid so an accurate AP exam order is placed
Mar 3, 2025 - Regular registration/payment deadline for SPRING AP class exams
A SPRING AP class exam registration/payment made after this date will incur a $20 per exam non-refundable late fee
Last day to request a $105 per exam partial refund for any SPRING AP class exams ordered
No additional AP exam registrations will be processed after this date!
No refunds for ANY AP class exams will be issued after this date!
Exam Refunds
No refunds will be issued for cancellations of any $35 reduced-fee AP exams.
Students who pay for FALL AP class exams then decide not to take them may request a partial refund of $105 per exam by November 8, 2024. After that, a partial refund of $65 per exam for FALL AP class exams may be requested by December 6, 2024. No refunds for FALL AP class exams will be issued after this date.
Students who pay for SPRING AP class exams then decide not to take them may request a partial refund of $105 per exam by March 3, 2025. After that, a partial refund of $65 per exam for SPRING AP class exams may be requested by April 4, 2025. No refunds for SPRING AP class exams will be issued after this date.
Please note that refunds are not automatic. Students are responsible for requesting any refunds by contacting Mr. White or Ms. Guerra in the Del Oro counseling office.
Exam Day Reminders
Because multiple-choice content is sometimes reused, no one other than the student may see the multiple-choice content during the exam. Multiple-choice section: Students may never give the content to anyone else, discuss it with anyone (including AP teachers), or share it through any means, including, but not limited to, email, text messages, photographs, and social media/the internet. Free-response section: Students may only discuss free-response content that is released on the College Board website two days after the regularly scheduled exam administration. If the content in the exam is not released, students may not discuss it with anyone.
Students taking an AP exam will be pre-marked at Del Oro for an excused all-day absence for the AP test date. If the student chooses to attend any classes on a registered AP exam day, they must check in with the Del Oro attendance office before going to class in order to be marked present. All AP students are reminded to communicate closely with their teachers about any school days they will miss due to AP exams. Students are still responsible for any class work, assignments, and tests/quizzes missed or due on those days.
AP students SHOULD bring the following items to the exam room:
District-issued fully-charged Chromebook with charging cord (required for new digital testing format)
Standard No. 2 pencils & blue or black ink pens (Mechanical pencils are not allowed.)
Water and a snack for the 10-minute break during testing
A sweatshirt or warm clothing in case the testing room is chilly
A traditional watch that does not beep, have Internet access, or have an alarm (in case the testing room does not have a clock that can be easily seen and you want to monitor the exam time remaining) Separate timers of any type are not allowed.
Students can use the built-in Desmos graphing calculator through Bluebook or bring up to two approved calculators with the necessary capabilities - and fresh batteries - if taking an AP Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science or Physics exam (Review the College Board AP Calculator Policy for the complete list of approved calculators.)
A ruler or straightedge if taking an AP Physics exam (Protractors are not allowed.)
AP students MAY NOT bring the following to the exam room:
Electronic equipment (other than the required Chromebook), including cell phones, smartwatches or tablets
Mechanical pencils, No. 3 pencils, colored pencils or pencil sharpeners (Standard No. 2 pencils & blue/black ink pens will be available during the exam if needed.)
Clothing or shoes with subject-related information
Remember that AP students will not be dismissed until the test has officially ended and cannot ask to leave early if finished before the end of an exam. It is the student’s responsibility to inform coaches or employers of AP exam obligations, and arrangements should be made accordingly.
Prior to AP exam dates, students or parents who have questions or need assistance should contact Blaine White at or Chrissy Guerra at
On AP exam days, students or parents with urgent AP-related needs should contact Donna Silva, Del Oro counseling secretary, at or (916) 652-7243 Ext. 1009.