Wayzata High School's AP Policy

Additional exam details will be shared via the emails you provided to Total Registration as we approach the exam date.  In addition, please be aware that:

Morning exams begin at 7:30 a.m. Students must provide their own transportation to morning exams.   Afternoon exams begin at 11:30 am.

No cell phones, digital cameras, smart phones, Bluetooth-enabled devices, MP3 players, email/messaging devices, iPods, iPads, or any other electronic or communication devices are allowed during an AP test administration or during breaks.  All electronics must be powered off and left in your back pack or bag or with a proctor at the start of each testing session and student will not be allowed to access them until students are dismissed from the exam.  If a student is found to have a cell phone or any other electronic device, the device must be confiscated and the student will be dismissed from the testing room.  The student's score will be canceled.  This is a College Board policy.

Students will be told that they are not to discuss AP exam questions by any means following an exam.  If a student posts information about AP exam content on social media, during or following an exam, the student's scores will be canceled and no retest will be permitted. 

The College Board determines the exam schedule and will schedue up to two exams per day.  Students should bring a home lunch if they have two exams on the same day.  They will be given time to eat between exams but we cannot guarantee they will have enough time to get to Culinary for a school lunch.

Afternoon tests WILL NOT be done by 3:10 p.m.  Students taking afternoon exams should expect to test until between 3:30 and 4:30p.m., depending on the exam.  Students are not allowed to leave an exam when they finish.  All students will be released at the end of the designated testing period. Students must provide their own transportation home after the P.M. exam.


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