Apex Friendship High School's AP Policy

AFHS AP Policies & Procedures addendum- AP Exam Sign Up for Spring 2019

This document outlines some specific policies and directions that students must review and follow as a part of the registration process. Read each bulleted item.

  1. It is my responsibility to adhere to all policies, procedures, and deadlines as they are stated in Apex Friendship HS materials related to AP Testing, as well as the policies and procedures outlined in the 2017-18 AP Bulletin for Students & Parents.
  2. It is my responsibility to know the date, time, and place, I need to report for my AP exam. I know that I may look to AFHS Student Services website and calendar for information regarding my exam (http://afhsstudentservices.weebly.com/student-services-calendar.html). 
  3. No cell phones are allowed in the testing room during the AP Exam.
  4. It is my responsibility to provide my own transportation home (those extend beyond the end of the regular school day).  Students will not have access to a phone until dismissed by the test administrator so arrangements for afternoon transportation must be made prior to entering the exam.
  5. I am not expected to attend classes on the day I take an AP Exam. I am allowed to attend classes if I choose, but it is not required. I must attend classes if I choose not to show up, or am late for, my AP exam. Exam attendance will be shared with teachers.
  6. It is my responsibility to notify coaches, employers, etc. of my AP exam obligations. Under no circumstances are students allowed to leave the exam session before being dismissed by the test administrator.
  7. It is my responsibility to review the AP exam schedule and AP exam locations when it is made available, and I must report to the appropriate exam location at the required time. I understand that I will not receive a refund if I choose not to take my AP exam, or if I show up late and am not allowed to test and will be charged a $15 unused exam fee. .


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