Southern Lehigh High School's AP Policy

Exam Day Policies

What to Bring to the Exam Room

Bring No. 2 pencils for your multiple-choice answer sheet, pens with black or dark blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams for paper based exams, and your government-issued or school-issued photo I.D. If you are taking a digital exam, please bring your lap top fully charged and your charger.

What Not to Bring to the Exam Room

Don't bring any electronic equipment or communication devices, like cell phones, smartphones, tablets or anything else that can access the internet, any cameras or other photographic equipment, or even any watches that beep or have an alarm (or smartwatches). You may not have any food or drink in the exam room, including bottled water.

A complete listing of “What to Bring to the Exam Room” and “What NOT to Bring to the Exam Room” can be found in the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents.


If you are allowed to use a calculator on your AP Exam, review the calculator policies to make sure you bring an acceptable calculator for your particular exam.


During the break between Sections I and II of your AP Exam, or during any other unscheduled breaks, you are not allowed to consult textbooks, notes, teachers or other students; and you may not use any electronic or communication devices, like your cell phone, for any reason.

Also, you may not leave the building at any time during the exam administration, including during a scheduled break.

Remember, whether it is during breaks or after the exam, you must not communicate anything to anyone, including your classmates and your teachers, about the multiple choice questions that appeared on your AP Exam.

Discussing Exam Questions

Do not email, text, post, or in any other way circulate AP Exam information through any kind of social media, or your AP Exam score may be canceled and you could also be banned from taking future AP Exams.

Also, you may talk about the free-response questions from the regularly scheduled exam two days after the exam and only if your particular free-response questions have been posted to the College Board website.

The AP Exam is intended to be a fair assessment of your academic ability. Sharing exam information in any unauthorized way compromises the integrity of the exam for all AP students, and for the colleges and universities that grant credit or advanced placement for qualifying AP scores.

Reporting Exam Day Problems

If you believe there is a problem while you are taking the exam (e.g., you aren’t given enough time for a section of the exam, or the directions you receive are incorrect), notify your AP coordinator immediately so that any necessary action can be taken as soon as possible. If that doesn’t resolve the situation, speak to your principal.

If you are home-schooled or do not have an AP coordinator at your school, contact AP Services.

Reporting Ambiguous or Incorrect AP Exam Questions

AP Exam questions are developed and reviewed carefully by qualified education professionals. However, if you believe there is a problem with a question, print and complete the AP Exam Question Ambiguity and Error Form (.pdf/479 KB), and mail or fax it to AP Assessment Development no later than June 15 of the year you took the exam.

AP Assessment Development
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671
Fax: 610-290-8979

Do not discuss the question with your exam proctor or your teacher. If necessary, action will be taken before the scores are reported.  

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