Munster High School's AP Policy

Morning exams begin promptly at 7:35 a.m., including Tuesdays and Thursdays. Afternoon exams begin at 11:45 a.m. Room assignments will be distributed closer to the exam window.

Due to stringent College Board requirements, students who arrive late will not be admitted.  It is highly discouraged for students to bring their cell phones to the exam room.  Students who choose to bring a cell phone will be asked to turn in their phone prior to the exam.

  • If a student is taking a morning exam, they will be dismissed to lunch when the exam is over.  The exams all have different time requirements. Students will be directed as to which lunch to report to after the exam has ended.

  • Students taking afternoon exams should eat A Lunch before testing. 

  • Students who are taking both morning and afternoon exams on a given testing day NEED TO BRING A SACK LUNCH from home.  There will not be enough time to leave the testing room, eat lunch, and return before the second exam begins. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs.Sanchez at 219-836-3209.


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