Greenwich High School's AP Policy

Thank you for registering to take AP Exam(s) at Greenwich High School.  Students must report to their test room promptly at the 8:30am or 12:30pm report times. Specific locations will be emailed to you approximately two weeks in advance. Cell phones and other electronic devices are prohibited in the test rooms and at any time during the exam, including breaks. Students must bring #2 pencils and pens with blue or black ink to each exam, as well as approved calculators when permitted on specific exams. Students will be "pre-noted" with a "no-fault" absence on the day of each exam. Students may bring water and a quick snack to eat during the short break between sections of the exams. Students with two exams per day should bring lunch to eat as there is no time to purchase lunch. If you have questions, please ask your School Counselor, School Counselor Administrative Assistant, Ms. Thorme or Ms. Iannello in the Career Center, or Ms. Kelly in the Main Office prior to the start of exams.   

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