Oaks Christian High School's AP Policy

What Students Should Bring to the Exam Room:  * Several sharpened non-mechanical #2 pencils (with erasers) for completing multiple-choice answer sheets.  * Pens with black or blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams. Up to two (College Board approved) calculators (with extra batteries) with the necessary capabilities if they are taking an AP Exam that requires this.  Instruct student to visit apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse and click on the link for their course for the specific calculator policy.  * A ruler or straightedge if they are taking an AP Physics Exam. (Protractors are not allowed).     Do NOT Bring to the Exam Room:  * Electronic equipment (unless taking a digital exam) cell phone, smart phone, laptop, tablet computer, etc., portable listening or recording devices (MP3 player, iPod, etc.), cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that can access the Internet, or any other electronic or communications devices.  * Books, compasses, mechanical pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, notes or colored pencils.  * Rulers, straightedges and protractors (except as previously noted).  * Scratch paper.  * Computers or calculators (except as previously noted).  * Reference guides, keyboard maps or other typing instructions.  * Watches that beep or have an alarm, or smartwatches.  * Food or drink.   Calculator Policy:  A graphing calculator is required if students are taking the AP Calculus AB or Calculus BC Exam.  A graphing calculator with statistical capabilities is expected if they are taking the AP Statistics exams.  A scientific or graphing calculator is permitted for Section II of the AP Chemistry and Physics B Exams.  A simple four-function (with square root) calculator is allowed for the AP Biology or Macro/Micro. Exam.  Students may bring up to two calculators to these exams, but they may not share calculators.  For Calculus, Chemistry, Physics or Statistics exams, if a student has a graphing calculator, it must be on the approved calculator list.  

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