Testing Locations: Testing Locations will be assigned closer to the exam dates. Students can access their testing locations through their Total Registration account starting April 2025. To access a student's testing location follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to: http://www.totalregistration.net/AP/390535
2. Log-in to your Total Registration Account
3. Select Account Functions
4. Select Student testing schedule
***Or you can select Student's Account History and find the location under Exam History.
AP Testing Security and Administration Policies and Procedures: On exam day, students sign a statement on their answer sheet acknowledging they have read and agree to the AP Exam Terms and Conditions: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/terms-conditions?excmpid=mtg697-st-1-gd#section6
College Board test security and test administration policies and procedures are designed to protect the integrity of the AP Exam and AP Exam scores. When College Board determines that a student’s testing experience did not meet College Board’s standards for administering exams—even through no fault of the student— College Board reserves the right to cancel an AP Exam score. The decision to cancel an AP Exam score is difficult; nonetheless, AP Exam scores must be canceled when College Board believes it is warranted to protect the integrity of the AP Exam for all AP students and for the colleges and universities that grant credit or advanced placement for qualifying AP scores.
Violation of College Board test security policies may also result in a student being prohibited from taking other College Board assessments in the future, as detailed below. College Board reserves the right to decline to score an AP Exam or cancel an AP Exam score when, in its judgment, any of the following occurs:
- Students must not remove the shrink-wrap and open exam materials until instructed to do so by the proctor so that no one sees the exam content before the administration begins.
- Students may not, under any circumstances, remove exam content or materials from the testing room; give it to anyone else; discuss it with anyone (including an AP teacher); or share it through any means, including, but not limited to, email, text messages, photographs, and social media/the internet.
- Exam booklets, materials, and content must never be photocopied by students or teachers.
- Multiple-Choice content is sometimes reused. No one, other than the students as they are taking the exam, is allowed access to the multiple-choice section at any time.
- Free-response section: Teachers and students may only discuss the exam content if the specific questions in the exam are released on the College Board website two days after the regularly scheduled exam administration. If the exam content is not released, students may not discuss it or share it with anyone.
- The following electronic equipment is prohibited in the exam room and break area: Phones, smartwatches, or wearable technology of any kind, laptops, tablet computers, Bluetooth devices, portable listening or recording devices, cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that can access the internet, separate timers of any type, and any other electronic or communication devices. A student observed with any of these devices during testing or breaks may be dismissed from the exam, the device may be confiscated, the student’s score may be canceled, and no retest may be permitted.
- Calculators are also prohibited unless they are allowed or required for specific exams.
- Students may not consult textbooks, notes, teachers, other students, or any other resource (including the prohibited equipment listed above) during the exam or during the break between Sections I and II of the exam, or during any unscheduled breaks.
- Students may not leave the building at any time during the test administration, including during a break.
Disclosure of Secure Test Items: If a student is discovered disclosing, through any means, any multiple-choice content, any free-response content from an alternate exam, any free-response content from a regularly-scheduled exam within two days of its administration, or any free-response content that is not released on the College Board website two days after the regularly scheduled exam administration, College Board will automatically cancel the student’s exam score and may ban the student from future testing.
- If a student posts to any form of social media during the exam, or refers to unreleased exam content (multiple-choice, free-response, or short-answer response content) at any time after the exam, the student’s score will be canceled, no retest will be permitted, and the student may be banned from future testing on AP, SAT, or CLEP exams.
Misconduct in the Exam Room: If a student is observed engaging in any of the following behaviors, the student will be dismissed from the exam room, their score will be canceled, and the student may be banned from any future testing on the AP, SAT, or CLEP Exams.
- Obtaining or attempting to obtain improper access to the exam, a part of the exam, or information about the exam.
- Removing a page or portions of a page from the exam book.
- Attempting to remove from the testing room any part of the exam or any notes relating to the exam.
- Referring to, looking through, or working on any exam, or exam section, other than during the timed testing period for that exam or exam section.
- Accessing or attempting to access any prohibited aids including formula sheets and scratch paper.
- Bringing food or drink into the testing room.
- Leaving the testing room, building, or designated break are without permission and/or taking an extended break.
- Accessing or attempting to access a phone of any kind or prohibited electronic device during testing or during breaks.
- Copying the work of another student or from published or unpublished sources or submitting work that is not their own.
- Attempting to give or get assistance, or otherwise communicate, through any means, with another person about the exam during the exam administration, including breaks.
- Attempting to take the exam for someone else.
- Reproducing or attempting to reproduce any portion of any exam in any form (e.g., by taking photos or making photocopies).
- Having subject-related information on clothing, shoes, or body.
- Creating a disturbance.
- Failing to follow any of the exam administration regulations provided by testing staff or specified in any exam materials.
- Using testing accommodations that have not been preapproved by the College Board SSD Office.
AP Exam Administration
2024 AP Exam Schedule: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/exam-administration-ordering-scores/exam-dates
AP Exams may only be administered on their scheduled date and time outlined by the College Board. AP Exams will be administered during the school day starting on May 6th.
- AM Exams will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students must report to their testing locations by 7:30 a.m. Testing locations will be posted through Total Registration, or can be obtained in the counseling office.
- PM Exams will begin promptly at 12:00 p.m. Students must report to their testing locations by 11:29 a.m. Testing locations are posted in Total Registration, or can be obtained in the counseling office.
- **Testing in the PM will most likely run past school-dismissal time, please arrange to get transportation home. Students are NOT permitted to leave testing early no matter the circumstance.